Making films, running live events writing books

Behind The Scenes Filming The 46th and Final President

Read more about this feature film project that YOU can get involved with HERE.


Read Twisted50, the first Create50 book

Available in paperback, kindle and audiobook, Twisted50 was released for Halloween 2016 and toppled Stephen King from the horror bestsellers list on Amazon. Part of Create50, you can read more about Twsited50 on the official website HERE.

Upcoming Events 2021

The London Screenwriters' Festival - September 2018 // Experience, inspire and connect… The LSF and Great British Pitchfest is now the biggest professional gathering of screenwriters in the world. Three days, 1,000 delegates, 150 speakers, online network (with over 200 video seminars).

What else is Living Spirit up to?

Right now, we are neck deep in redrafting our next project, currently titled Project Rocketboy. Needless to say there is much laughter, wailing, frustration and joy with each and every passage typed. More on this sporadically on the blog.